Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows and doors are great for loft extensions

Aluminium windows and doors are great for loft extensions

At Professional Glazing Solutions, we boast an extensive range of aluminium windows, which ensures we find exactly the right window for your property. Available in a range of finishes and opening variations, we source the finest products on the market to offer you outstanding flexibility, style and performance from your new aluminium windows.

High strength and low maintenance

Aluminium is renowned as one of the most sustainable materials in the building industry. Naturally lightweight but also incredibly strong and highly resistant to corrosion, aluminium is perfect for crafting practical, durable and aesthetically appealing windows and doors. As well as providing your glazing products with a lifespan that will run into decades rather than years, our aluminium windows are also low-maintenance, making it simple to keep your windows looking and performing at their best.

Practical and environmentally friendly

At Professional Glazing Solutions, our aluminium windows function on intelligent, ‘easy-clean’ hinges that offer easy access to the external panels. The strength and resilience of the aluminium frames means that your windows will be highly secure and able to withstand the most British of weather conditions. When combined with our industry-leading, energy-rated double-glazed panes, these frames offer maximum energy efficiency and thermal properties, lowering your energy bills in the long term and reducing your carbon footprint.

In addition to their ability to keep heat in your property during the colder seasons, our aluminium windows deliver optimum ventilation all year round: our glass is crafted not only to keep the warm in, but to also reflect heat during the warmer months of summer. Aluminium is also recyclable, making it one of the most environmentally friendly materials on today’s market.

Catering to you and your needs

Our small but dedicated team offer our customers a personalised and bespoke service time and time again. We will assess your property to recommend a system that best meets your requirements, and we will work with you to deliver a result that you will be proud of. To discuss your needs with one of our team of experts, or for a free, no-obligation quote, please feel free to get in touch with us today. Alternately, to read about the other styles of window we offer, visit our Windows page.